Wednesday, May 7, 2014

List Of Speakers.

Here is the list of all speakers.
Sheikh Mutahhir Sabree
Former Catholic alter boy & candidate for priesthood. more..
Sheikh Abdur-Raheem Green
British convert who is famous for his lectures on Islam in London's Hyde Park. more.
Sheikh Yusuf Estes
Former Christian music minister and preacher, became Muslim in 1991 while trying to "convert" an Egyptian to Christianity. Now Muslim chaplain and director of Share Islam project and Guide US TV. more..
Sheikh Muhammad Adly
Sheikh Adly is presently the Imam of Masjid al-Muslimeen in SC. more..
Sheikh Salim Morgan
A convert to Islam and regular speaker in California. more..
Dr. Muhammad Salah
One of the well-know scholars in US and founded two Islamic Arabic schools. more..
Dr. Bilal Philips
Published an impressive array of books on various aspects of Islam. more..
Sister Khadejah Jones
An Australian convert who's love towards science has led her to Islam. more..
Brother Yusuf Chambers
He always wanted to help humanity and found that goal in Islam. more..
Sheikh Yusha Evans
American convert who found the light of Islam after extensive research through various religions. more..
Sheikh Salem Al-Amry
An active da'ee & regular lecturer on ChatIslam covering various aspects of Islam. more..
Sister Na'ima
Sister Na'ima more..
Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Author of several books about Islam, and popular speaker in US and the west. more..
Dr. Mamdouh Mohamed
A professional instructional technologist and author of several educational books. more..
Brother Abu Ahmad
Public Speaker and founder of IDCA Center in Australia. more..
Dr. Jaafar Idris
One of few Muslim Scholars who comprehends the knowledge of Islam & Western Ideologies. more..
Dr. Zakir Naik
"He has achieved in four years what I could not achieve in 40 years." Ahmed Deedat. more..

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